Saturday, April 11, 2009

What's Wanted

Forget positions, toys, techniques, lingerie, role-playing - forget all of it. All of the is irrelevant and all you have been taught about sex and the sexes is wrong.
While there is no such thing as a generic human being, there are two things every man and woman wants when considering their sexual partners.

First: and enthusiastic partner living in the moment with him/her
Second: a partner who reciprocates, giving as good as he/she gets

One achieves this by fully embracing one's sexuality, by understanding your partners, and by being filled with the joy of life. It does take some effort so put your back into it. Men aren't all ravening wolves and women aren't all timid little bunnies. Men also do not only want just one thing. They do think about things other than sex and women think about sex more than you might imagine.

But there are problems. Most of these are from our own internal conflicts about sex and gender roles. Our internal conflicts make us send out mixed messages to our prospective partners who, understandably, become confused. Yes, thank you, or No, thank you, are sufficient and either decision does not need to be justified. You do not have to give a reason.

Please be advised however, the first time with any new lover will not be the best time with him/her. Until you both learn about each other and relax, the sex will not be the conflagration of souls that we all desire. The Golden Rule of treating others as you yourself want to be treated applies, even more so, to sexual relations. Please bear this in mind as you go along.

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